His Glorious Riches

What do you think about when you think of riches? According to Siri, it means material wealth. When we look at what the world tells us, this may be true. But, with Christ Jesus in our lives, we are rich whether we live under a bridge or in a mansion.
Do you feel rich? Trusting in Christ Jesus that He will meet all our needs is what we can do. This is not an easy task for us, is it? There are wants and desires that bombard us, don't you think? But, His word is truth and living for Him and accepting what He abundantly provides for us makes us rich beyond material possessions, even in the midst of discomfort and pain.
Father God, Thank you for bestowing upon us all of your glorious riches and meeting all of our needs. Our flesh is weak. But you are strong. Help us accept what you provide and the power to live for You. We ask this in Your Name, Lord. Amen.