Need a Drink?

"Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." - John 4:14
If you are thirsty, come to Jesus. He is the Living water that will fill you.
If you are in the darkness, He is the light by which you can see.
Jesus wants to well up inside of you, much like this fountain spraying into the air. to push out anything that should not be in you. Any sin. Any negativity. He wants to be a light for you.
Sit with Him. Start with 10 minutes a day. Allow Him to fill you with the truth of His Word. Continue to sit with Him. Look at the beautiful creations He has made. Yes, including you! Continue to spent time with Jesus. He will give you living water. Allow yourself to just be held. Soon being with Jesus will become a necessary and important part of your day.
Thank you, Father God, for being a fountain of life for us. We need to drink of your living water on a daily basis. Help us to share this with others in need of a drink!!
This is a photo of Three Rivers Point State Park, Pittsburgh, PA, 2016.