Listen. Watch. Wait. Joy.
Listen. Watch. Wait. Joy. Our Heavenly Father, asks us to listen to Him. Listen to His word. Let the wise listen and add to their...

Stay Fresh and Green!
How does one stay fresh and green - full of life and vigor? SIT. Sit with your Heavenly Father. As Jesus and his disciples were on their...

YOU ARE...God's Work of Art!
You are God's work of art! No matter what we may think we look like or what flaws we may have, we, each and everyone of us, was created...

Depend on God
I had the pleasure of serving on an amazing medical team to bless the people of Haiti and as we journeyed through the country, we had to...

He Will
As a pharmacist, I had the amazing privilege of going on a medical mission trip to Carrefour, Haiti. The group of professionals that I...