Are you listening to what God is saying?
As spring slowly approaches, I am getting some spring cleaning and organizing completed. While I was going through some old papers of...

God will make a way
God is doing a NEW thing. He loves YOU with an everlasting LOVE. He is making a way! Happy New Year!

Be Still
A friend, Brother David Betz, had added this, A Psalm for You by Edwina Gately, in his annual Christmas letter and I had to share in a...

You are now light in the Lord
For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord, walk as children of the light. - Ephesians 5:8 NKJV

Give Thanks
One of my favorite places is Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens in Pittsburgh, PA. I took this a few weeks ago during their fall...

Look to the Lord for He will lift your head and fill your cup with His blessings!! Praise be to the Lord for all of His blessings!!

Look in our own hearts and we will find it in others around us, too!! #merciful#generous #pureofheart #kindness #love #faithful

When does our spiritual life begin?
About a week ago, in the wee hours of the morning, I awoke to “hearing” that the Lord was impressing something on me. I’ve never had this...

Show your Dazzling Colors!
Things are growing at Phipps Conservatory. Just like this chrysanthemum, sometimes we have to get through the muck, in order, to show our...

It only takes a spark!
Is there something that sets your soul on fire? Share it with others! It only takes a spark to start a blaze!!