Looking for Rest?
When things are "coming at me", Lord, I look to you and know that you will be my shield! When things beyond my control are "coming...

Listen. Watch. Wait. Joy.
Listen. Watch. Wait. Joy. Our Heavenly Father, asks us to listen to Him. Listen to His word. Let the wise listen and add to their...

Keep Moving Forward
Several years ago, my sister, Kim and I went on a bike ride over the Golden Gate Bridge. I am not too excited about heights and wow! This...

Need a Drink?
"Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up...

My Light and My Salvation
Why does fear enter our lives? Is it the enemy hitting us where it hurts? Is it our own insecurities? Whatever the reason, there is a...

Stay Fresh and Green!
How does one stay fresh and green - full of life and vigor? SIT. Sit with your Heavenly Father. As Jesus and his disciples were on their...

Just Be
The Lord replied, "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest." - Exodus 33:14 As you read this...take it one word at a time...

Feel Like Drawing?
I hope you do! Draw near to Jesus. He is the answer! He is there amongts the chaos! What do you do to draw near to your Heavenly Father?...

Do You Need Rescued?
I literally have never been in a situation that I have felt like I was drowning. I could only imagine what is going through one's mind as...

Need a Lift?
Life is not always perfect! Each and every day has its challenges with ups and downs! But, there is a way to stay above the issues of...